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Learn more about the Graduate Certificate in Nuclear Science, Technology and Policy (NSTP)!
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Loy, Taylor, Gaoshan Li, Bokki Min, Kyle Vargas, Sonja D. Schmid, Ali Haghihat. 2021. "How Nuclear Power Has Navigated COVID-19's Critical Infrastructure Threats." Homeland Security Today. March 4, 2021.
Roberts, P. and Ahram, A. (2020). How Can Negotiations Bring War to an End? Review Essay. War on the Rocks. March 2.
Roberts, Patrick S. and Sonja Schmid. 2020. Forum Letter: The US Role in the Global Nuclear Energy Market. Issues in Science and Technology 36 (3), Spring.
Roberts, Patrick S. 2019. AI for Peace. War on the Rocks. December 13.
Roberts, Patrick S. and Ariel Ahram. 2019. Does the United States need a civilian nuclear industry? The National Interest. March 13.
Schmid, Sonja D. 2020. “Data, Discourse, and Disruption: Radiation Effects and Nuclear Orders” in The Age of Hiroshima, edited by Michael Gordin and John Ikenberry. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 243-258.
Loy, Taylor and Sonja Schmid. "Tritium in Transition: The Material Culture of a Special Ingredient." Austrian Research and Innovation Talk (ARIT) 2021. Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Poster Award. (3rd Place Award)
Loy, Taylor and Sonja Schmid. "Controlling Knowledge, Access, and Perceptions: Nuclear Endeavors at the Civilian-Military Interface." Conference Panel. (Developed and organized panel that has been accepted for the annual Society for the History of Technology conference, SHOT 2021)
Schmid, Sonja D. Data, Discourse, and Disruption: Radiation Effects and Nuclear Orders, invited seminar presentation, SciencesPo, Centre de recherches internationales, Paris, France, December 16, 2019.
Schmid, Sonja D. Panelist. Berger Symposium, “35 Years After Bhopal: Lessons Learned?” Cornell University Law School, Ithaca, NY, November 15, 2019.
Schmid, Sonja D. Standardizing Disaster: Nuclear Emergency Response in Historical Perspective. Keynote lecture at the 3rd AGORAS (Amélioration de la Gouvernance des Organisations et de Réseaux d’Acteurs de la Sûreté nucléaire/ Improving the Governance of Organizations and Networks of Nuclear Safety Actors) conference on “Governing Risks beyond the ‘Here’ and ‘Now’”, IMT Atlantique, Nantes, France, October 23-25, 2019.
Schmid, Sonja D. From “Inherently Safe” to “Proliferation Resistant”: New Perspectives on Reactor Designs. Peer-reviewed and selected, pre-circulated paper contribution to the workshop “The Nuclear and Social Science Nexus: Challenges and Opportunities for Speaking across the Disciplinary Divide.” OECD/NEA, Paris, France, December 12-13, 2019.
Schmid, Sonja D. “Nuclear Energy: Choices and Challenges,” Invited presenter, Science Cafe, Rockville Science Center. Bethesda, MD, October 15, 2019.